(The asterisk marks publications that were written in English or were republished in English translations)
Updated: April 26, 2007
- *Riemann Integration in Constructive Analysis. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 156, No2 (1964), 255-257. Russian. (English translation: Soviet Mathematics, Doklady. Vol.5, No3 (1964), 628-630).
- *On the Existence of Unbounded Analytic Constructive Functions. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 160, No1 (1965), 29-31. Russian. (English translation: Soviet Mathematics, Doklady. Vol.6, No1 (1965), 26-28).
- *Constructive Theory of the Riemann Integral. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 165, No6 (1965), 1238-1240. Russian. (English translation: Soviet Mathematics, Doklady. Vol.6, No6 (1965), 1584-1587).
- *Certain Properties of Quasinumbers and Operators from Quasinumbers into Quasinumbers. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 171, No2 (1966), 275-277. Russian. (English translation: Soviet Mathematics, Doklady. Vol.7, No6 (1966), 1467-1469).
- On Riemann Integration of Constructive Functions. International Congress of Mathematicians, Abstracts, Section 1. Moscow 1966,18. Russian.
- *Certain Relations among the Properties of Constructive Functions and Operators from Quasinumbers into Quasinumbers. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 177, No1 (1967), 29-32. Russian. (English translation: Soviet Mathematics, Doklady. Vol.8, No6 (1967), 1358-1361).
- *On Constructive Antiderivatives. Matematicheskiye Zametki, 2, No2 (1967), 157-166. Russian. (English translation: Math. Notes, 2 (1967)).
- *Some Examples of Quasidense But Not Dense Sets of Duplexes. Zapiski Nauchnyh Seminarov Leningradskogo Otdeleniya Matematicheskogo Instituta AN SSSR, 8 (1968), 95-102. Russian. (English translation: Sem.Math. V.A.Steklov Math.Inst. Leningrad. 8 (1968)).
- *A Remark on the Domains of Definition of Constructive Functions. Zapiski Nauchnyh Seminarov Leningradskogo Otdeleniya Matematicheskogo Instituta AN SSSR, 8 (1968), 103-106. Russian. (English translation: Sem.Math. V.A.Steklov Math. Inst. Leningrad. 8 (1968)).
- *Some Properties of F-numbers. Zapiski Nauchnyh Seminarov Leningradskogo Otdeleniya Matematicheskogo Insituta AN SSSR, 8 (1968), 107-120. With G.S.Tseytin. Russian. (English translation: Sem. Math. V.A. Steklov Math.Inst. Leningrad. 8 (1968)).
- *Estimation of the Complexity of Certain Mass Problems of Analysis. Zapiski Nauchnyh Seminarov Leningradskogo Otdeleniya Mathematicheskogo Instituta AN SSSR, 16 (1969), 81-90. With M.I.Kanovich. Russian. (English translation: Sem. Math. V.A.Steklov Math. Inst. Leningrad.16 (1969)).
- *Some Mass Problems Connected with the Integration of Constructive Functions. Trudy Mathematicheskogo Instituta imeni V.A.Steklova AN SSSR,113 (1970), 39-72. Russian. (English translation: Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 113 (1970), 42-83).
- Covering of Separable Sets. In "Issledovanyia po Theorii Algorifmov i Matematicheskoy Logike.1" ("Investigations on the Theory of Algorithms and Mathematical Logic.1"), Computing Center of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow (1973), 235-246. Russian.
- On One Question of Mostowski. In "Issledovanyia po Theorii Algorifmov i Matematicheskoy Logike.1" ("Investigations on the Theory of Algorithms and Mathematical Logic.1"), Computing Center of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow (1973), 257-261. Russian.
- Two Theorems on R-integrable Functions. In "Issledovania po Theorii Algorifmov i Matematicheskoy Logike.1" ("Investigations on the Theory of Algorithms and Mathematical Logic.1"), Computing Center of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow (1973), 247-256. Russian.
- Complex-Computable Real Numbers. Zeitsch. f. Math. Logik und Grundl. d. Math., Berlin DDR , 19, No5 (1973), 447-452. Russian.
- *Lectures on Constructive Mathematical Analysis. Monograph, Nauka, Moscow (1973). Russian. (English translation: Translations of Mathematical Monographs, Vol.60. American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island (1984)).
- *Continuity Theorems for Some Types of Computable Operators. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 208, No5 (1973), 1031-1034. Russian. (English translation: Soviet Mathematics, Doklady. Vol.14, No1 (1973), 221-225).
- Constructive Analysis. In "Entsyklopedia Kibernetiki" ("Encyclopedia of Cybernetics"), V.1, Kiev (1973), 483-485. Russian.
- Constructive Version of Koenig Theorem; Markov-, Grgegorczyk- and Lacomb-Computable Functions. In "Teoriya Algorifmov i Matematicheskaya Logika" (" The Theory of Algorithms and Mathematical Logic"), Computing Center of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow (1974), 87-111. Russian.
- *On a Type of Computable Real Functions. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 215, No2 (1974), 259-262, Russsian. (English translation: Soviet Mathematics, Doklady. Vol.15, No2 (1974), 466-470).
- On Extension of Constructive Functions. In "3-ya Vsesoyuznaya Konferentsiya po Matematicheskoy Logike. Tezisy Dokladov" ("3d All-Union Conference on Mathematical Logic. Abstracts"). Novosibirsk (1974), 123-124. Russian.
- *Mathematical Intuitionism. In "Bol’shaya Sovetskaya Entsiklopedia" ("the Great Soviet Encyclopedia"),V.15 (1974), 488. With A.G.Dragalin. Russian.
- *Normal Algorifm. In "Bol’shaya Sovetskaya Entsiklopedia" ("the Great Soviet Encyclopedia"), V.18 (1974), 129. Russian.
- *On the Extending of Constructive Functions. International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Abstracts, V.2, Canada (1975), 11. English.
- On One Type of Algorithmically Undecidable Problems of Constructive Analysis. In "4-ya Vsesoyuznaya Konferentsiya po Matematicheskoy Logike. Tezisy Dokladov" ("4th All-Union Conference on Mathematical Logic.Abstracts"). Kishinev (1976), 74. Russian.
- Complexity of Algorithms and Specker Sequences. In "Issledovaniya po Teorii Algorifmov i Matematicheskoy Logike.2" ("Investigations on the Theory of Algorithms and Mathematical Logic.2"), Computing Center of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow (1976), 73-83. With M.I. Kanovich. Russian.
- On Grzegorczyk Theorem about Computability of An Isolated Extremum. In "Issledovaniya po Teorii Algorifmov i Matematicheskoy Logike.2" ("Investigations on the Theory of Algorithms and Mathematical Logic.2"), Computing Center of the Academy of Sciences of USSR, Moscow (1976), 112-121. Russian.
- On Computation of Isolated Zeroes of Constructive Functions. Zeitsch. f. Math.Logik und Grundl. d. Math., Berlin DDR, 22 (1976), 311-322. Russian.
- *Banach-Mazur Functional. In "Matematicheskaya Entsiclopedia" ("Mathematical Encyclopedia"), V.1,Moscow (1977), 379-380. Russian.
- On a Type of a Recursive Isomorphism of Some Objects of Constructive Analysis. Commentations Math. Universitatis Carolinae, Prague, V.19, No1 (1978), 97-105. With A.Kucera. Russian.
- On Some Systems of Computable Real Numbers. In "Matematicheskaya Lingvistika i Teoriya Algoritmov" ("Mathematical Linguistics and the Theory of Algorithms"), Kalinin State University, Kalinin (1978), 105-112. Russian.
- *The Principle of Constructive Choice. In "Matematicheskaya Entsiclopedia" ("Mathematical Encyclopedia"), V.2, Moscow (1979), 1049-1050. Russian.
- *Consructive Mathematics. In "Matematicheskaya Entsiklopedia" ("Mathematical Encyclopedia"), V.2, Moscow (1979), 1042-1046. Russian.
- *Constructive Metric Space. In "Matematicheskaya Entsiclopedia" ("Mathematical Encyclopedia"), V.2, Moscow 1979, 1051-1053. Russian.
- *Constructive Analysis. In "Matematicheskaya Entsiclopedia" ("Mathematical Encyclopedia"), V.2, Moscow (1979), 1054-1057. Russian.
- Local and Global Uniform Continuity of Constructive Functions. In "5-ya Vsesoyuznaya Konferentsiya po Matematicheskoy Logike. Tezisy Dokladov" ("5-th All-Union Conference on Mathematical Logic. Abstracts"). Novosibirsk (1979), 81-82. Russian.
- Segment Covering and Uniform Continuity of Constructive Functions. In "Issledovaniya po Teorii Algorifmov i Matematicheskoy Logike" ("Investigations on the Theory of Algorithms and Mathematical Logic"). Nauka, Moscow (1979), 62-69. Russian.
- On the Behavior of a General Term of Specker Series. In "Matematicheskaya Logika i Matematicheskaya Lingvistika" ("Mathematical Logic and Mathematical Linguistics". Kalinin Univerity, Kalinin (1981), 112-116. Russian.
- *On some Topological Properties of Constructive Plane Curves. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 260, No2 (1981), 281-283. Russian. (English translation: Soviet Mathematics, Doklady. Vol.24, No2 (1981), 258-261.
- On Jordan Theorem for Constructive Plane. In "6-ya Vsesoyuznaya Konferentsiya po Matematicheskoy Logike. Tezisy Dokladov". ("6th All-Union Conference on athematical Logic. Abstracts"). Tbilisi (1982), 96. Russian.
- A Note on Constructive Version of Jordan Theorem. In "Avtomaty, Algoritmy, Yazyki" ("Automats, Algorithms, Languages"). Kalinin State University, Kalinin (1982), 112-117. Russian.
- *Some Extensions of Marcov’s Constructive Continuum and Their Applications to the Theory of Constructive Functions. In "The L.E.J. Brouwer Centenary Symposium Proceedings", A.S.Troelstra and D.van Dalen (Editors). North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam (1982), 261-273. English.
- On Some Class of Specker Sequences. In "Matematicheskaya Lingvistika i Teoriya Algorifmov" ("Mathematical Linguistics and the Theory of Algorithms"). Kalinin State University, Kalinin (1983), 62-65. Russian.
- A Certain Criterion of Uniform Continuity of Constructive Functions. In "7-ya Vsesoyuznaya Konferentsiya po Matematicheskoy Logike. Tezisy Dokladov" ("7th All-Union Conference on Mathematical Logic. Abstracts"). Novosibirsk (1984), 89. Russian.
- *Differentiability and Uniform Continuity of Constructive Functions. Doklady AN SSSR, 281,No6 (1985)),1314-1316. Russian. (English translation: Soviet Mathematics, Doklady. Vol.31, No2 (1985),433-435).
- Impossibility of Certain Algorithms in the Theory of F- and Quasinumbers. In "Slozhnostnyye Problemy Matematicheskoy Logiki" ("The Complexity Problems of Mathematical Logic"). Kalinin State University, Kalinin (1985), 61-63. Russian.
- *Specker Sequence. In "Matematicheskaya Entsiklopedia" ("Mathematical Encyclopedia"), V.5, Moscow (1985), 896. Russian.
- A Counterexample of a Nowhere-Uniform-Continious Constructive Function. In "Logicheskiye Metody Postroeniya Effektivnykh Algoritmov" ("The Logical Methods of Constructing of Effective Algorithms"). Kalinin State University, Kalinin (1986), 58-63. Russian.
- On a Certain Intuitionistic Principle. In "4-ya Vsesoyuznaya Konferentsiya: Primyenyeniye Metodov Matematicheskoy Logiki. Tezisy Dokladov. Sektsiya: Predstavleniye Znaniy i Sintez Programm" ("4th All-Union Conference: Applications of Methods of Mathematical Logic. abstracts. Section: Representation of Knowledge"), Tallin (1986), 87. Russian.
- Certain Aspects of Brouwer’s Principle of Bar Induction. In "9-ye Vsesoyuznoye Soveshchanie po Logike, Metodologii i Filosofii Nauki. Tezisy Dokladov. Sektsiyi 1-5" ("9th All-Union Conference on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Abstracts. Sections 1-5"). Kharkov (1986), 28-29. Russian.
- On a Uniform Limit in the Class of Computable Real Functions. In "8-ya Vsesoyuznaya Konferentsiya po Matematicheskoy Logike. Tezisy Dokladov" ("8th All-Union Conference on Mathematical Logic. Abstracts."). Moscow (1986), 100. Russian.
- *A Counterexample in the Theory of Constructive Functions. In: "The 8th International Congress "Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science", LPMS, Section 3, V.1, Moscow (1987), 147. English.
- The Principle of Bar Induction and Brouwer’s Theory of Continuum. In "Zakonomernosti Razvitiya Sovremennoy Matematiki" ("The Regularities of Development of Modern Mathematics"). Nauka, Moscow (1987), 230-250. Russian.
- About Markov’s-Nagorny’s "Theory of Algorithms", Filosofskie Nauki, 4, (1987), 109-112. With Biryukov. Russian.
- A Version of Bar Induction. In "9-ya Vsesoyuznaya Konferentsiya po Matematicheskoy Logike. Tezisy Dokladov" ("9th All-Union Conference on Mathematical Logic. Abstracts"). Leningrad (1988), 100. Russian.
- *Markov’s Constructive Mathematical Analysis: the Expectations and the Results. In "Summer School & Conference on Mathematical Logic Heyting’88. Abstracts". Sofia (1988), 32. English.
- Constructive Logic. In "Matematicheskiy Entsiklopedicheskiy Slovar" ("Mathematical Encyclopedical Dictionary"). Moscow (1988), 284-285. With V.E.Plisko. Russian.
- Constructive Analysis. In "Matematicheskiy Entsiklopedichesky Slovar" ("Mathematical Encyclopedical Dictionary"). Moscow (1988), 286-287. Russian.
- Arend Heyting: A Concise Essay of His Life and Creative Activity. In "Metodologicheskiy Analiz Osnovaniy Matematiki" ("The Methodological Analysis of The Foundations of Mathematics"). Nauka, Moscow (1988), 121-135. Russian.
- The effective Meaning of Uniform Limit Theorem. In "Voprosy Matematicheskoy Logiki i Teorii Algoritmov" ("The Problems of Mathematical Logic and the Theory of Algorithms"). Computing Center of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow (1989), 3-10. Russian.
- On Certain Representation of Bar-Induction. In "Voprosy Matematicheskoy Logiki i Teorii Algoritmov" ("The Problems of Mathematical Logic and the Theory of Algorithms"). Computing Center of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow (1989), 11-16. Russian.
- *Markov’s Constructive Mathematical Analysis: the Expectations and Results. In "Mathematical Logic", P.P. Petkov, Ed., Plenum Press, New York-London (1990), 53-58. English.
- *A version of Bar-Induction. Abstract. The Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol.57, No. 1, (1992), 361. English.
- Markov i Bishop. Voprosy Istorii Estestvoznaniya i Tekhniki, (Journal on History of Natural Sciences and Technology)vol. 1, (1992), 70-81, Russian Academy of Sciences. Russian.
- Konstruktivnaya Matematika A.A. Markova: nekotorye razmyshleniya. (Constructive Mathematics of A.A. Markov: some reflections). Modern Logic, vol. 3, No. 2, (1993), 119-144. Russian.
- *Some Consequences of an old Result. Abstract. The Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 58, No. 1, (1993), 375-376. English.
- *Markov and Bishop. An essay. In "Golden Years of Moscow Mathematics". American Mathematical Society – London Mathematical Society, (1993), 179-197. English.
- *A Remark Concerning Recursive Counterexamples in the Theory of Differential Equations. Abstract. The Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 58, No. 3 (1993), 1149. English.
- *A letter to the Editor, Notices of the American Mathematical Society, vol 40, No. 10 (1993), 1331-1332. English.
- *Extensions of Markov’s Constructive Continuum and Uniform Continuity of Constructive Functions. Abstract. The Journal of Symbolic Logic. vol. 59, No. 2, (1994), 1706. English.
- *Memories of Mekh-Math in the sixties, Modern Logic, vol. 4, No. 2 (1994), 165-195. English.
- *On Specker series. Abstract. The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, vol. 1, No. 1, (1995), 125. English.
- *Sof’ja Aleksandrovna Janovskaja: a few reminiscences. Modern Logic, vol. 6, No.1, 67-72, 1996. English.
- *Kurt Goedel and the constructive mathematics of A.A. Markov. Goedel’96: Logical Foundations of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics – Kurt Goedel’s Legacy, Brno, Czech Republic, August 1996, Proceedings, Petr Hajek, Ed. lectures Notes on Logic, 50-63, Springer 1996. English.
- Uspensky pishet o Kolmogorove (Uspensky writes about Kolmogorov). Istoriko-Matematicheskie Issledovaniya, ser.2, vyp.1, (36), 165-191, Yanus 1996, Moscow. Russian.
- Neskol’ko vospominaniy o Sof’e Aleksandrovne Yanovskoy (A few Reminiscences on S.A. Yanovskaya). Voprosy Istorii Estestvoznaniya i tekhniki (Journal of History of Natural Sciences and Technology), vol.4, 119-123, 1996, Russian Academy of Sciences. Russian.
- 78.*Mathematical Reform at Second-Tier Institutions. Notices of the American Mathematical Society, vol.44, No.3, March 1997, 310-311. English (with M. Mehlman). English.
- *Markov’s Constructive Analysis; A Participant’s View. Theoretical Computer Science, 219, 267-285, 1999. English.
- *Review of G. Hellman and D. Bridges, the Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 64, No1, March 1999, 397-398. English.
- *Almost every compitable real number is hard to compute. An abstract. The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, v.5, No.2, 1999, 279. English.
- *In Memoriam: Albert G. Dragalin, 1941-1998. An Obituary. The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, v.5, No.3, 1999, 389-391. English Together with S.Artemov (Cornell University, Moscow State University, Russia) G.E. Mints (Stanford University), E, Nogina (Moscow State Unievrsity, Russia), and A. Troelstra (University of Amsterdam). English.
- * On Brouwerian Bar Induction.Reuniting The Antipodes – Constructive and Nonstandrad views on the Continuum. Symposium Proceedings, San Servolo, Venice, Italy, May 16-22, 1999, P. Schuster, U. Berger, H. Osswald, Editors, Synthese Library, Studies in Epistemology, Logic, Methodology, and Philosovy of Science, vol. 306, Kluwer Academic Publishers Dordrecht-Boston-London,119-126, 2001. English.
- * Boris A. Kushner, The centenary of A.A. Markov, Jr.; His personality, his constructive mathematics, Computability and Complexity in Analysis, V. Brattka, M. Schroeder, K. Weihrauch, Ning Zhong, Ed., Informatik Berichte, 302-8/2003, FernUniversitat in Hagen, Hagen, Germany, 55-79.
- O vklade A.A. Markova v razvitie konstruktivnogo matematicheskogo analiza (On A.A. Markov’s contribution to the development of the Constructive Mathematical Analysis). In A.A. Markov, Izbrannye trudy (Select Works), Moskva MTsNMO, 2003, 544-548. Russian. Together with N.M. Nagorny, Computing Center of Academy of Sciences of Russia, Moscow, Russia.
- Markov I Bishop, an Essay, in book Istoriya Informatiki v Rossii (Uchenye i ikh shkoly)(The History of Computer Science in Russia; Scientists and their schools), Nauka, Moskva 2003, 110 – 126. Russian.
- * The Constructive Mathematics of A.A. Markov, American Mathematical Monthly, vol. 113, No 6, June-July 2006.
- Uchitel’ (K stoletiyu Andreya Andreevicha Markova Ml.) (The Teacher; to centenary of A.AS. Markov, Jr.), in Iz Istorii Kibermetiki (From History of Cybernetics), Russian Academy of Sciences, “Geo” Publ. Novosibirsk, 2006, 163 – 225, Russian.
- Sof’ya Aleksandrovna Yanovskaya, kak ya ee pomnyu, (Sof’ya Aleksandrovna Yanovskaya, as I remember her). Ibid., 226-237, Russian.
- Kolmogorov in Reminiscencies of His Pupils”, Mathematical Intelligencer, vol.30, No2, 2008, pp.1-4.
- Chelovek iz legendy (A man from a Legend), Iskusstvenny intellect I prinyatie resheniy (Artificial Intellect and Decision Theory), Russian Academy of Sciences, No2, 2008, pp.67-74. Russian.
- Forty five years of friendship, to be published in the Mints’ 70-th year volume, Stanford University.
1. Ne proiznosi lozhnogo svidetel’stva (Thou shalt not bear false witness.) Strana i Mir (Our Country and the World), v. 2 [50], Munich, Mart-April (1989), 122-126. Russian.
2. *An open letter to I.R. Shafarevich. "22", v. 64, Jerusalem, Mart-April (1989), 154-164. Russian.
3. An open letter to I.R. Shafarevich. Novoye Russkoe Slovo, New York, August 18, 1989. Russian.
4. Translations of some Shakespeare’s Sonets (Sonnets No. 22, 30, 49, 65, 66, 71, 73, 74, 90, 104, 109,110). In "Uil’yam Shekspir". Vsesoyuznaya Gosudarstvennaya Biblioteka Inostrannoy Literatury, Moscow, 1989. Russian.
5. An open letter to Igor’ Shafarevich. Novoe Russkoe Slovo, New York. january 12, 1993. Russian.
6. *Some Remarks about Shafarevich’s Book “Russophobia”. Notices of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 40, No. 1, (1993). 12-14. English.
7. Stikhi i Perevody. (Poems and Translations). Moscow, 1993. Russian.
8. Koshmary Pravoslavnogo Talmudista (Nightmares of an Orthodox Talmudist), Novoe Russkoe Slovo, New York, January 12, 1993. Russian.
9. *Antisemitism in Russia: New Times – Old Songs. Midstream, New York, v.40 No. 1 (1994), 16-18. English.
10. Koshmary Pravoslavnogo Talmudista (Nightmares of an Orthodox Talmudist), Neva, No.9, S-Petersburg (1994), 252-257. Russian.
11. Ave Maria. A Poem. Novoye Russkoe Slovo. New York, February 17, 1995. Russian.
12. Ave Maria. A Poem. Mezhdunarodnaya Evreyskaya Gazeta (An International Jewish Newspaper), No. 12 (147), Moscow, June 1995. Russian.
13. Iz novykh stikhov (A selection of new Poems). Vestnik, No. 18 (120) Baltimore (1995), 30-34. Russian.
14. O perevodakh Sonetov Shekspira 1. (On Traslations of Shakespeare’s Sonnets). Vestnik, No. 22 (124), Baltimore (1995), 26-28. Russian.
15. O perevodakh Sonetov Shekspira 2. (On Translations of Shakespeare’s Sonnets). Vestnik, No. 23 (125), Baltimore (1995), 25-27. Russian.
16. A selection of Poems. Vestnik, No. 25 (127), Baltimore (1995), 29-33. Russian.
17. Svyatoy Ioann Khrisostom (Zlatoust) i khristianskiy antisemitism (St. John Chrysostom and Khristian Antisemitism), Vestnik, No. 14 (142), Baltimore (1996), 30-33. Russian.
18. A selection of Poems. Vestnik, No. 16 (144), Baltimore (1996), 32-34. Russian
19. A selection of Poems. Vestnik, No. 17 (145), Baltimore (1996), 30-34. Russian.
20. Pamyati Zamuchennykh. (In memory of Martyrs). A Poem. Novoe Russkoe Slovo. New York. August 13, 1996. Russian.
21. Pamyati evreyskogo antifashistskogo komiteta (In memory of the Jewish anti-fascit Committee). A Poem. Mezhdunarodnaya Evreyskaya Gazeta (An International Jewish Newspaper), No.15 (174), Moscow. August 1996. Russian.
22. Pamyati zamuchennykh bol’shevistskim rezhimom (In Memory of victims of bolsheviks regime). A Poem. Forum, vyp. 19, Baltimore. September 1996. Russian.
23. Rannie stikhi (earlier Poetry). A Selections of Poems. Vestnik,
No.22 (150), Baltimore, 32-36, 1996. Russian.
24. *Russia rewakens to Nazi past. The Jewish Chronicle, Pittsburgh,
October 24, 1996, p.18. English.
25. *The Nazification of Russia: Anti-Semitism on the Post-Soviet Era. A Review. First Things, New York, January 1997, p.53. English.
26. Pamyati Iosifa Brodskogo (In Memory of Iosif Brodsky). A Poem. Forum, vyp. 25, Baltimore. March 1997. Russian.
27. *Red-Brown Plague Over Russia, Midstream, New York, vol. 43, No.2, February/March 1997, 44-45. English.
28. A Selection of Translations of Shakespeare’s Sonnets. Vestnik, No.7 (161), Baltimore, March 18, 1997, 32-37. Russian.
29. Shoa, A Selection of Poems. Forum, Baltimore, vyp. 26, April 1997. Russian.
30. A Selection of Poems. Society of Poets of New York, vyp.9, April 1997. Russian.
31. Obrechennost’ Beatriche. A Selection of Poems. Vestnik, No.10 (164), April 29, 1997, 34-37. Russian.
32. Ginsberg. A Poem. Forum. Baltimore, vyp. 37, May 1997. Russian.
33. Iz Novykh Stikhov (Chisla Zverya). A Selection of Poems. Vestnik, No. 15 (169), Baltimore, July 8, 1997, 30-33. Russian.
34. Stikhi iz sbornika "Summa Sumerek". A selection of Poems. Vestnik, No. 19 (173), Baltimore, September 2, 1997, 32-35. Russian.
35. A letter to the Editor. Commentary, November 1997, New York, 10, 4-6. English.
36. Anne Akhmatovoy, A Poem. Vestnik, No.5 (186), Baltimore, March 2, 1998, 25. Russian.
37. A Poem. Evreiskiy Kamerton. March 13, 1998, Tel-Aviv, Israel, p. 3. Russian.
38. Iz stikhov, napisannykh v Izraile. A selection of Poems. Vestnik No. 9 (190), Baltimore, April 28, 1998, 50-51. Russian.
39. Bab-El’-Vaad, A Poem. Vestnik, No. 10 (191), May 12, 1998, 29, 1998. Russian.
40. Stikhi iz sbornika "Bessonica Solnca". A selection of Poems. Vestnik, No. 17 (198), Baltimore, August 18,1998, 18-22. Russian.
41. 41. Pamyati druzey. An Essay. Vestnik, No. 21 (202), Baltimore, October 13, 1998, 40-46. Russian.
42. Stikhi iz sbornika "Agonia Listopada". A selection of Poems.Vestnik, No. 23 (304), Baltimore, November 10, 1998, 48-52. Russian.
43. Two Poems. Klinicheskaya Gerontologiya. Vol.2 (April-May-June), 1998, Moscow, p.106. Russian.
44. Izbrannye perevody, Uil’yam Shekspir, Sonety,Sankt-Peterburgh, 1998 (Selected Translations of Sonnets by W. Shakespeare). Russian.
45. Prichina Pechali (The Reason of Sadness), a book of Poetry, 215 p. Via Press, Baltimore, 1999. Russian.
46. Stikhi iz sbornika "Chas odinochestva". A selection of Poems. Vestnik, No. 2(209), Baltimore, January 19, 1999, 46-549. Russian.
47. Stikhi iz sbornika "Dar Pervorodstva". A selection of Poems. Vestnik, No. 15(222), Baltimore, July 20, 1999, 34-38. Russian.
48. V zaschitu Antonio Salieri (In Defense of Antonio Salieri). An essay. Vestnik, No. 14(221)- No. 19(226), Baltimore, July 6, 1999 – September 14, 1999, 42-47, 56-60, 52-59, 52-56, 40-45, 56-59. Russian.
49. Sem’ chasov v Odesse (Seveh Hours in Odessa), an essay. Vestnik, No. 20(227), Baltimore, September 28, 1999, 53-56. December 7, 1998, Russian.
50. Kvadrat (The Square). A Poem. Vestnik, No. 22(229), Baltimore, July 20, 1999, 43. Russian.
51. A selection of of Poems, Literaturnye vesti, No40, Moscow, Russia, December 1999,7. Russian.
52. A selection of Poems, Russkiy Evrey, No34 (13), Moscow, Russia, Osen’-Zima 1999,
53. 8-9. Russian.
54. A selection of Poems, Kontinent-USA, No2 (10), Washington, DC, January 2000, 9. Russian.
55. Stikhi iz sbornika "Iney Vremeni", A selection of Poems, Vestnik, No. 3(236), Baltimore, February 1, 2000, 50-54. Russian.
56. 80 let so slovom (80 years with Word), an essey. Vestnik, No. 5(238), Baltimore, February 29, 2000, 36. Russian.
57. A selection of Poems, A selection of Poems, Kontinent-USA, No5 (13), Washington, DC, March 2000,
58. A selection of Poems, Gostinaya, Ulita Publishing, Philadelphia, 2000, Russian
59. Stranica iz zhizni Verdi (A page from Verdi’s Life), an essay. Vestnik, No. 22(229), Baltimore, July 20, 1999, 47-52. Russian.
60. Stikhi iz sbornika "Parafraz Freski", A selection of Poems, Vestnik, No. 16(249), Baltimore, August 1, 2000, 48-52. Russian.
61. "Kursk", A Poem, Mezhdunarodnaya Evreyskaya Gazeta (An International Jewish Newspaper, Moscow, No.41 (321) November 2000, Moscow. Russian.
62. Pamyati Ekipazha Podvodnoy Lodki "Kursk" (In memory of "Kursk"), A Poem. Vestnik No18 (251), Baltimore, August 29, 16, 2000. Russian.
63. Svyatoy Ioann Khrizostom (Zalatoust) i Khristianskiy Antisemitism (Saint John Khrisostom and Christian Anti-Semitism, an essey. Russkiy Evrei (Russian Jew)No. 2-3 (15), Summer-Fall 2000, 37-39, Moscow. Russian.
64. Bessonitsa Solnca (Insomnia of the Sun), a book of Poetry, 216 p., VIA-Press, Baltimore, 2000, Russian.
65. 64."Maxim Gorky", A Poem, Chayka, No1, Baltimore, May 7, 2001, 41. Russian.
66. Stikhi iz sbornika "Ekho Epokhi", A selection of Poems, Vestnik, No. 10(269), Baltimore, May 8, 2001, 46-51. Russian.
67. Yuriy Rodin, an essay. Vestnik, No.11 (270), Baltimore, May 22, 2001, 44. Russian.
68. Rastlenie nenavist’yu, an essay. Vestnik, No. 12(271), Baltimore, June 5, 2001, 26-31. Russian.
69. Moi vospominaniya o Sof’e Aleksandrovne Yanovskoy, Vestnik, No. 14(273), Baltimore, July 3, 2001, 44-46. Russian.
70. Michiganskaya tetrad’, A selection of Poems, Chayka, No5, Baltimore, July 7, 2001, 42-43. Russian.
71. Stikhi iz sbornika "Cherny Luch", Vestnik, No. 16(275), Baltimore, July 31, 2001, 39-45. Russian.
72. Mozart i Sal’eri… Opyat’?!, an essay, Khimiya I Zhizn’, No. 7-8, 2001, 69-77, Moscow. Russian.
73. Iney Vremeni (The Frost of Time),a book of Poetry, 209 p., VIA-Press, Baltimore, 2001, Russian.
74. 11 Sentyabrya, Stikhi, A selection of Poems,Vestnik, No. 20(279), Baltimore, September 25, 2001, 5. Russian.
75. Urok Francuzskogo, A selection of Poems, Chayka, No13, Baltimore, Noyabr’ 1-15, 2001, 33-34. Russian.
76. Otmetka Nol’, an essay. Vestnik, No.23 (282), Baltimore, November 6, 2001, 5-7. Russian.
77. Koncert Schwarca, an essay. Vestnik, No.24 (283), Baltimore, November 24, 2001, 27-29. Russian.
78. Krovavy navet v Rossii: Istoriya i real’nost’, an essay, Literaturnye vesti, November 2001 (No.57).Moscow,Russian. Russian.
79. *A Letter to the Editor, The Jewish Chronicle, Pittsburgh, vol. 41, No. 30, Nov. 29, 2001. English.
80. Stikhi iz sbornika "Krugi po Pamyati", A selection of Poems,Vestnik, No. 2(287), Baltimore, January 16, 2002, 50-55. Russian.
81. Koncert Schwarca, an essay, Evreyskiy Kamerton, Tel-Aviv, Israel, January 31,25, 2002. Russian.
82. Krovavy navet v Rossii: Istoriya i real’nost’, an essay, Evreyskiy Kamerton, Tel-Aviv, Israel, February 28,27, 2002. Russian.
83. Proschanie s pesney, an essay. Vestnik, No.7 (292), Baltimore, March 28, 2002, 27-29. Russian.
84. 15 Nissana 5762, Stikhi.A selection of Poems,Vestnik, No. 8(293), Baltimore, April 15, 2002, 54. Russian.
85. Stikhi raznykh let, A selection of Poems. Novy Vek, No2, 2002, Moskva-Ierusalim, 271-274.
86. Sem’ chasov v Odesse, an essay, Khimiya I Zhizn’, No. 3, 2002, 59-61, Moscow. Russian.
87. Uchenye v zaschitu Izrailya, Evreyskiy Kamerton, Tel-Aviv, Israel, May 15,7, 2002. Russian.
88. Uchenye v zaschitu Izrailya, Vestnik, No. 10(295), Baltimore, May 15, 2002, 8. Russian.
89. Uchenye v zaschitu Izrailya, Shalom, No240, May 2002, Chicago. Russian.
90. Shadyside, a selection of Poems. Chayka, No11 (27), June 7, 2002, 34-35. Russian.
91. Pod znamenem liberalizma (otvet prifessoru Yampol’skomu), an Essay, Vestnik, No.13 (298), Baltimore, June 26, 2002, 12-14. Russian.
92. Stikhi iz sbornika "Prichal Vechnosti", A selection of Poems,Vestnik, No. 15(300), Baltimore, July 24, 2002, 52-55. Russian.
93. Pamyati Lidii Vladimirovny Knorinoy. An Essay. Vestnik, No. 18(303), Baltimore, September 4, 2002, 34. Russian.
94. Polnocenny kompleks prevoskhodtsva, An eesay. Vestnik, No. 19(304), Baltimore, September 18, 2002, 12-14. Russian.
95. A letter to the Editor, Commentary,New York, October 4, 2002, 4.
96. Pamyati Eleny L’vovny Tilinoy i Viktora Borisovicha Yakobsona, An eesay. Vestnik,
No. 25(310), Baltimore, December 11, 2002, 56. Russian.
97. Ekho Epokhi (Echo of the Epoch, a book of Poetry, 2352 pp., VIA-Press, Baltimore, 2002, Russian.
98. Stikhi zi sbornika "Geometrii Vetra", A selection of Poems,Vestnik, No. 3(314), Baltimore, February, 2003, 50-53. Russian.
99. Odna, no plamennaya strast’ (Zametki o knige I.R. Shafarevicha "Trekhtysyacheletnyaya zagadka. Istoriya evreystva iz perspektivy sovremennoy Rossii" Bibleopolis, Sankt-Peterburg, 2002), Vestnik, Baltimore, No.4 (315) – No.6 (317), 2003, February 19, 2003 – March 19, 2003. Russian.
100. Shepoty Proshlogo, A selection of Poems,Vestnik, No. 15(326), Baltimore, July 23, 2003, 51-55. Russian.
101. Odna, no plamennaya strast’, (Zametki o knige I.R. Shafarevicha "Trekhtysyacheletnyaya zagadka. Istoriya evreystva iz perspektivy sovremennoy Rossii" Bibleopolis, Sankt-Peterburg, 2002) an Essay, Novy Vek, Ierusalim-Moskva, No2., 2003, 158-189. Russian.
102. A Great Event in Jewish Music: A Concerto for Orchestra by Isaac Schwartz, Midstream, New York, September/October 2003, 26-27.
103. A set of Poems, Mishpokha, Vitebsk, Belorussia, No13, 2003, 14. Russian.
104. Uchitel’, An Essay, Vestnik, Baltimore, No. 18 (329) – 21 (332), September 3 – October 15, 2003. Russian.
105. Moskovskoe proiznoshenie, an Essay, Vestnik, Baltimore, No. 20 (331), October, 2003, 45-46. Russian.
106. Bol’she, chem otvet, an Essay, Vestnik, Baltimore, No. 26 (337) – 4 (341), December 24, 2003 – February 2004. Russian.
107. Stikhi iz sbornika "Ballady oblakov", A selection of Poems, Vestnik, No. 2(339), Baltimore, January 21, 2004, 53-57. Russian.
108. Evreyskaya simfoniya Isaaka Shvarca, an Essay, Novy Vek, Ierusalim-Moskva, No2, 2004, 222- 227. Russian.
109. Pamyati Viktora Bloka, A selection of Poems, Spektr, No. 5, (071), May 2004, p. 4. Russian.
110. Rekomendatel’noe pis’mo (stranica iz zhizni Bize), an Essay, Vestnik, Baltimore, No. 10 (347), May 12, 2004, 28-36. Russian.
111. Svecha v stakane, an Essay, Vestnik, Baltimore, No 11 (348), May 26, 2004, 36-38. Russian.
112. Pamyati Viktora Bloka, A selection of Poems, Vestnik, No. 12 (349), Baltimore, June 9, 2004, p. 30. Russian.
113. Doktora Poezii, an Essay, Vestnik, Baltimore, No. 13 (350) – 14 (351), June 23, – July 7, 2004. Russian.
114. Uslyshat’ by, kak zoryu b’et vesely barabanschik (stikhi iz sbornika Sut’ Vysi), A selection of Poems, Vestnik, No. 15 (352), July 21, 2004, 50-54. Russian.
115. Vernetsya li mayatnik (Zamechaniya k stat’e S.D. Furty “ O chem pishet vechny russkiy”?), an Essay, Vestnik, Baltimore, No. 19 (356), September 15, 2004, 39-41. Russian.
116. Rosh HaShana-Yom Kippur, A Selection of Poems, A selection of Poems, Vestnik, No. 20 (357), September 29, 2004, p. 25. Russian.
117. Vladimiru Frumkinu, A Poem, Vestnik, No. 24 (361), November 24, 2004, p. 35. Russian.
118. A selection of Poems, in the volume “Vesmirny Den’ Poezii”, Alexandria, New York, 2004, 82-84. Russian.
119. Zhizn’ nachinaetsya s lyubvi, A Selection of Poems, “Kol’co A”, literaturny zhurnal pisateley Moskvy, No. 29, 2004, 133-137. Russian.
120. Dusha v slezakh Ekklesiasta, A selection of Poems, Literaturnye Vesti, No. 80 (November – December 2004), Moscow, Russia, p.4. Russian.
121. Vernetsya li Mayatnik? Galileya, No8, Israil’ 2004, p 278-282. Russian.
122. Stikhi iz sbornika “Rechitativ Oseni”, Vestnik, No. 2 (365), January 19, 2005, 49-53. Russian.
123. A Selection of Poems, Reklama No5, February 3-9, Chicago, IL, 2005
124. Amicus Plato (Yuriy Kolker o Naume Korzhavine), an Essay, Vestnik, No. 17 (369), March 16, 2005, 38-40. Russian.
125. Pamyati Karolya Voytylly, A Poem, Vestnik, No. 8 (371), April 13, 2005, p. 12. Russian.
126. 9 maya 2005 g., A Poem, Vestnik, No. 9 (372), April 27, 2005, p. 40. Russian.
127. Doktora Poezii, Kol’co A, No32, Moskva, 2005, p. 272-291. Russian.
128. Vladimir Zak, Vestnik, No12 (375), June 8, 2005, p.46. Russian.
129. Odna, no plamennaya strast’ (Zametki o knige I.R. Shafarevicha “Trekhtysyacheletnyaya zagadka. Istoriya evreystva iz perspektivy sovremennoy Rossii), Mosty No6, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2005, p. 284-328. Russian.
130. Chitala Osipa osiplo, a poem, Otrazhenie, Doneck, Ukraine, No 7, July 2005. Russian.
131. Stikhi raznykh let, a set of Poems, Mosty No 8, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2005, p. 143-146. Russian
132. I snova kak v kolokola, a set of poems, Obzor, Chikago October 3-9, 2005, Russian.
133. A set of poems, Shalom No 280, November 2005, Chicago, Russian.
134. Sof’ya Aleksandrovna Yanovskaya, kak ya ee pomnyu, “Evreyskaya Starina”, No1, Hanover, Germany, 2005, Russian.
135. I snova kak v kolokola, A set of Poems, Obzor, Chicago, Oktober 3-9, 2005, Russian.
136. A poem, Evreyskiy Kamerton, Tel Aviv, December 22, 2005, Russian.
137. A set of Poems, Poberezh’e, Philadelphia, 2005, Russian, 290-293, Russian.
138. Sibelius, A Poem, Inye Berega, Almanakh, Helsinki, p. 178, 2006, Russian.
139. 15 Nisana, a Poem, Evreyskiy Kamerton, Tel Aviv, April 11, 2006, Russian.
140. Iz novykh stikhov, a set of Poems, Mosty, No10, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 176-181, 2006, Russian.
141. Esli zabudu Tebya, Ierusalim. Evreyskie miry Shulamit Shalit, an essay, Shalom No. 286, Chicago, May 2006, Russian.
142. Stikhi raznykh let, a set of Poems, Shalom No. 287, Chicago, June 2006, Russian.
143. Liricheskiy dnevnik, a set of poems, Shalom No. 292, Chicago, November 2006, Russian.
144. Vremena proprokov proshli, an Interview, Otrazhenie No11, Doneck, Ukraine, November 2006, Russian.
145. Vesna v Johnstowne, Pittsburgh, Poems, “Rossiyskaya emigraciya;proshloe I sovremennost’’, No 1, 2006 (Nauchny Sovet Rossiyskoy Academii Nauk, Moskva, 2006), Russian
146. A set of Poems, Vstrechi, Al’manakh, Encounters Publ., Philadelphia, 2006, Russian.
147. A set o Poems, Reklama, Chicago, 18-24 yanvarya 2007, Russian.
148. Stikhi raznykh let. A set of Poems. Shalom No. 295, Chicago, February 2007, Russian.
149. Variacii, a set of Poems, Mosty, No13, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 92-94, 2007, Russian.
150. A set of Poems, Poberezh’e, Philadelphia, 2006, Russian, 260-261, Russian.
151. *Moonlight Harmony, a review, The Eclectic Muse, A poetry Journal, vol, 13, 14-15, 2007.
152. Evreyskaya Simphonia Isaaka Shvarza, an essay, Forum, May 16-24, 2007, New York, Russian.
153. Odna, no plamennaya strast’, an essay, “Galilea”, Nazrat-Ilit, Israel, 2007, pp. 265-306. Russian.
154. Muzykant o muzyke I muzykantakh, an afterword to the book “Muzyka and Vlast’”, by Arthur Shtilman, Hannover, Germany, 450–460, 2007. Russian.
155. A set of Poems, in “Druz’ya, prekrasen nash soyuz”, Mir Collection, New York, 151–152, 2007, Russian.
156. A Poem (A kol’co, moe kolechko), Forum, #144, 10-16 August 2007. Russian.
157. A set of Poems, in “Obschaya Tetrad’”, ER.A, Moscow, Russia, 2007. Russian.
158. Stikhi raznykh let, a set of Poems, Mosty, No16, 161-170, 2007, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Russian.
159. Proschal’noe slovo, an essay, Forum, August 24-30, p.24, 2007, New York, Russian.
160. A set of Poems, Vstrechi, Al’manakh, Encounters Publ., Philadelphia, 2007, 52-53, Russian.
161. Kuda letish’, moya dusha. A set of Poems, Kol’co A, 254-258, Moscow, Russia, 2007, Russian.
162. Dum spiro, spero, a set of Poems, Vremya i Mesto, No1, 112-120, New York, 2007, Russian.
163. A set of Poems, Sobesednik, 4 (26), 25-26, New York, 2007, Russian.
164. Transcedentnost’ chelovecheskoy dushi, predislovie k knige “Krug Landau,.izika voyny I mira”, v upomyanutoy knigeMoskva, 2008, str. 6-17. (A Foreword to the book “Landau Circle. Physics of the War and Peace”). Russian.
165. O perevodakh Sonetov Shekspira, v knige Filologiya: vchera, segodnya, zavtra, Pavlodarskiy gosudarstvenny pedagogicheskiy institute, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan, 1008, pp. 459-452. Russian.
166. Stikhi raznykh let, a set of Poems, Mosty, No18, 149-159, 2008, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Russian.
167. Iz novykh stikhov, a set of Poems, Mosty, No18, 103-112, 2008, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Russian.
168. Mark Azov: I obrushatsya gory, Posleslovie, v odnoimennoy knige, iz-vo Letniy sad, Moskva-Ierusalim, 2009, pp.236-241.
169. Kniga otkroveniy Marka Azova, gazeta “Indeks” No. 916, May 26, 2009, Nazaret Illit, Israel.
170. Otblesk, a review, Mosty, No22, 323-324, 2009, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Russian.
171. Variations and Sonnets, a set of Poems, Mosty, No24, 2009, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Russian.
172. Proschal’noe slovo, Vladimir Zak, in the book “Vladimir Zak, chelovek I muzykant”, pp. 163-175, M-Graphics Publishing, Boston-New York, 2009.
173. Proschal’noe Slovo. Isaak Iosifovich Schwartz, Shalom, No330, p.13, January 2010, Chicago.
174. Poema ukhoda, Vremya i mesto, 1 (13), pp.164-181, New York, 2010.
April 30, 2010.